Shake your tail feathers!


Welcome to the Little Red Rooster website. We hatched in 2020 near Dorking (Surrey), during a non-lockdown period. We were able to shake out our tail feathers, strut with enthusiasm to live music and to synchronise our sticking on balmy summer nights.

Little Red Dancers

Mother of All Little Red Roosters

likes: aqua fit, gardening & teaching

favourite dance: Wreaking Havoc

"It is one of the few activities that gives you a mental and physical workout that is great fun and extremely social!"

Solo Jigger, Big Hug Giver

likes: his allotment, dogs and rescue chickens.

favourite dance?

"For the live music, keeping fit, and the buzz of doing a live performance."

You Can't Beat a Bit of Shere Drop

likes: real ale, West Ham United, and hearty laughing

favourite dance: Hay-on-Wye (because I can shout 'Hay' a lot)

"It is so joyful, fun with friends and keeps me sane."

One Double Step, Two Double Step

likes: wildlife photography, cycling and chilli flavoured Tyrrell's crisps

favourite dance: Wrecked

Never Walk on Egg Shells

likes: cats, fierce conversations, and mini creme eggs

favourite dance: Worcester Monkey

"I enjoy learning dances together, I adore the live music and I laugh so much."

I'm Here to Entertain You!

Lord Dannington the Third of Holmwood Park likes: bowls, gluten free beer, salted caramel ice cream

favourite dance: Swan Vesta

"It lifts my mood, takes me out of my comfort zone and helps my co-ordination."

Little Red Musicians

What? - Yes! - Not NOW!!!!

likes: wood turning, peanuts and birds of prey. Martin is eco-friendly.

instruments: diatonic button accordion and banjo

I'll Give You Half an A.

likes: greyhounds, abstract art and string.

instruments: chromatic button accordion and tin whistle

favourite Morris tune:  Banks of the Dee

Even My Breakfast is Watching Me

likes: the Beano, well fitted shoes and hurdy gurdies.

Instruments: diatonic button accordion


Litte Red Rooster - Morris Dancers
Dorking, Surrey, UK

Email address:

info (at)

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